Our Vision
Provide state of art education and training via exchange of information and promote research
Our Mission
To improve the knowledge of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics field in the MENA region that impact on the quality of human life.
Founder's Message
The seeds of ARSHI were planted as a Yahoo group called HLA group as a result of a meeting in Riyadh in January 2009. Its aim was to raise awareness of Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics in the Arabic world. The second step was a formal group “Arabic Society for Histocompatibility &Immunogenomics" (ArSHI)”, since then many workshops, webinars and meetings were held under the name of ArSHI.
In December 2013 ArSHI initialized its first linkedin group, it was the product of discussion between Dr Noureddine Berka, Geyhad Ghazali, Rami Mahfouz, Moheeb Awammi. The first logo was done by Mr. Alaa Younes Hejazi, Saad Hospital.
In the same year came the first elections for ARSHI founders board members during ASHI 2013 in Chicago and the first elected board was:
-Ali Hajeer, Riaydh:President
-Geyhad elghazali, UAE: Secretary
-Noureddine Berka, Dammam/Calgary: VP
-Zain ELyafei, UAE: Treasurer
-Omar Mousa: Director
-Faisal Khan, Calgary Canada: Director
-Rami Mahfouz, Lebanon: Director
ArSHI has always refrained from promoting any commercial product but encouraging standardized procedures and techniques in the histocompatibility and immunogenetics field.
The founders board members agreed to register the society officially, keep ArSHI open for all labs and personnel in the field of H&I, the society will also make collaborations with ASHI and other international societies in the field without duplicating their work rather building on their experiences and always moving forward with many ideas like an Arab registry for donors, surveys for H&I labs and joint research projects among Arab world countries from middle east and north Africa region.
Ali H. Hajeer, PhD, FRCPath, D(ABHI) ARSHI Founder & Past president
President's Message
With the beginning of 2019, I would like to congratulate our ARSHI members and colleagues for the achievements done in 2018. It is with great pleasure to announce that because of the commitment and dedication of ARSHI executive board members, the planned objectives were met. Starting in 2018, short term plans were set including: ARSHI board organization chart, legal society registration, establish society partnership categories to build ARSHI assets, conduct educational activities and build ARSHI website. During last ASHI meeting in Baltimore, ARSHI signed the agreement with other Histocompatibility societies “ASHI, APHIA and EFI” to participate as well to host International Summer School. Mentioned agreement is a bridge to be at international level with our colleagues in other Histocompatibility Societies.
The ARSHI education division under the leadership of Dr. Dunia Jawdat and her colleagues “Dr. Asker, Dr. Al Attas, Dr. Al Fishawi, Dr. Shatti, and Mr. Hamam organized the 1st ARSHI educational course in April 2018 in Dubai, with the participation of Dr. Gehad Elghazali, Dr. Medhat Asker, Dr. Moheeb Al Awwami, Dr. Rabab Al Attas, Dr. Zain Al Yafei, Dr. Hatim Mustafa and Ms. Marion Alvares. The course was well attended from various countries in the MENA region.
I also would like to take this opportunity to thank ARSHI partners (One Lambda, Immucor, Omixon, Stem Cell Technologies, IGB, Farabi Medical, Alliance Global, Lean Gene) for their contributions and support.
Last December, ARSHI conducted the 1st Technical workshop in Jordan-Amman. The workshop was held at King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) with attendees from 11 countries in the region. I am pleased for Dr. Tbakhi’s (Head of HLA laboratory at KHCC) acceptance of conducting the workshop in his laboratory. The feedback was excellent with the participation of distinguished speakers, Dr. Berka, Dr. Hajeer, Dr. Tbakhi, Mr. Lopez, and Ms. Sandoqah. The attendees practiced performance of Flow cytometry